Friday, April 23, 2010


For the last month or so I've been training to run the Peachtree Road Race. I participated in the race back in 2007 when I ran/walked the 6.1 miles to the finish. Back then my goal was to finish the race and not be the last to cross the finish line. To my surprise I actually did pretty well and I was able to finish in and 1.5 hours alternating running and walking every other mile.

Flash forward three years and I'm going to tackle the race again. This time I have help training. My boyfriend Jay has participated in 13 triathlons in his life and knows how to push me to do more than I think I can. We have been running with his dog Ellie for awhile but on Wednesday we ran for an hour straight without stopping! I was so proud of myself. I've never done that before and wanted to brag!

This year my goal is to finish the race, not be last and not walk at all. I'm going to run the entire time. Wish me luck for Sunday, July 4th.


Ashley, Kyle, and Baby Boy said...

brag on- an hour, that's incredible to me- GO YOU!!

Rachel Ross said...

My favorite part was about Jay pushing you to be better than even you thought you could be! A couple that makes one another stronger & better is wonderful! Go, Em, go!